We are a electronic specialist helping businesses to solve problems in the electronic industry.
Since year 2020 there has a global chip shortage trend. This is brought in by the Covid pandemic. Demand for electronics has massively increase. The semiconductor factories around the world has not been able to keep up with the global demand.
This chip shortage is projected to last till at least 2023. This boom in electronic demand is likely going to affect many electronic business. Sales will be affect and price of IC chips is likely having an upward pressure with the shortage.
Typically lead time of 3 months chip delivery has already increase to 12-24 months (as of 23rd Nov 2021). This long lead time is a big pressure to the electronic industry.
With panic buyers buying and hogging on to stocking up more electronics chip for their own use, or for their own profiting, this will even squeeze the market to an even higher demand. It is projected that this shortage situation is going to last at least till year 2023.

Info graphic taken from Visual Capitalist

Chart taken from Bain & Company
Preventive measure and preparation
PIC-CONTROL style of designing electronic product is by using parts/components that are easily available on the market. Pricing is typically better and we seldom will face IC chip or electronic components shortage.
Even when the IC chip ran out of stock, we can help our client to re-design their existing product so that it can retain its function through the use of alternative compatible IC chips. Our strength in electronic design.
We also provide services to help our client to research for IC chips alternative so that they are replace their existing components. Design adapter to replace them with compatible chips.
Solution to chip shortage problem
If you need expertise consultation to your current chip shortage issue, feel free to contact our sales engineer at PIC-CONTROL