This is a device which allows you to simulate a pulse-based coin/note acceptor, to send a trigger signal to activate a vending machine. You can use your computer device to send an RS232 command to this board. The board will then send a trigger signal to activate your machine.

- Toy Catcher (claw machine)
- Drink vending machine
- Arcade gaming machine
- Car wash dry kiosk
- Meal vending machine
- Ice-cream machine
- Water dispenser machine
- Fuel dispensing machine
- Snacks vending machine
- Self-service ticketing kiosk
- Self-ordering kiosk
- Children kiddle ride
- Gantry barrier gate system
- Laundry washer/dryer machine for laundromat store
PIC-036 RS232 to Pulse

This board is specially designed to act as a coin or note acceptor to activate your machine.
It allows your computer system to generate a pulse signal that can activate the machine you want to control.
The cable connection to the machine uses JST XH series connector which is a very common connector use for coin acceptor machines in the vending or automated machine industry.
Note: For pin out information of this coin acceptor JST XH connector, you can click here.
Other communication connection
If you computer is using a connection other than RS232, you can contact us for customisation of the communication.
Example of other connection available
- USB connection
- Ethernet communication
- Bluetooth or Wifi wireless
Contact us for further information.
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