Automatic Identify Cable Connection | Wiring Trace & Map Productivity Tool

Are you looking for a tools that can help you identify and trace out the connection from your complex chunck of cable & harnesses with a press of a button?

Get hold of this awesome engineering tool for your electronic lab.

This tester maps out the connection of your cable saving you time and provide you with accurate results.


  • Generate a comprehesive pin to pin connection report.
  • Fast.
  • Accurate connectivity report.
  • No more human error in your diagnosing of the cable wires connection.
  • Decide complex wiring connection.

Examine the pin connection at a glance through the generated mapped connection report.

Automatically mapped out all the wiring on the cable for you. You do not have to trace each pin connection one by one. You will get instant result through the generated test report.

No matter how complex your cable or harnesses is, the process of decoding your wire connection is still the same.

Simply connect each connector pin wire to one of the terminal on the PIC-350 connection decoder, it will automatically trace, identify and mapped out all the connection for you.

The only thing you need to do it to analyse the generated report and document the results.

Simple. No more painstaking connection measurement, checking pin by pin manually using a multimeter.

PIC-350 is an awesome and smart X-ray tool for your cable wires reverse engineering work.

A productivity tool that an electronic engineer will keep on their engineering work bench.

A great tool to discovery the connection of a new or unknown cable. Can also be use for trace passive connection on your PCB circuit board.

– Cable connection reverse engineer tools
– Cable connection tracer, mapping
– Auto mapping of complex cable wiring connection.
– Auto detection of wiring connection



Check out more information about this cable connection analyser product PIC-350.